Meteor Madness

26 Oct 2017

Meteor Madness!!!!

Through this Meteor course in ICS 314 it felt like being thrown out into the vastness of space. There is a lot to see and much to do, but sometimes it gets scary with how much there is. Meteor is something that intertwines itself with other sources around the internet to make it an expansive language. Things like Simple Schema templates, Mongo data basing, Semantics web fashion, and JavaScript to connect each part together to make it one working web page.

When seeing a meteor up close, I would think it might be terrifying with its speed in space, the amount of heat it gives off with its velocity and there’s usually more than one which seems intimidating. This is how it felt while starting up Meteor as a beginner software engineer. There was a lot of components to deal with all working together and if there was one thing missing from many different files your web page wouldn’t load. It was hard to create a new field for the web page seeing as how we had to think to modify add.html, add.js, edit.html, edit.js, and more to make it all work correctly. Just finding the right places to put in the code made it a bit hard on the top of figuring out which lines of code to build with the right variable name references to different files. There was a lot to check and does take some time comprehend and put the pieces together.

After seeing a meteor up close might be a new look which can be an interesting on perspective, but it’s easy to note that seeing a meteor or meteor shower from a distance is an amazingly beautiful sight. Once you figure out how to make all the pieces of your meteor application website to work it’s become one sight to see. Your work comes to fruition in a neatly attracting web page, working database, and more. Although a person might not see the server based things working front and center you know that it works and helps to keep the site together with storing valuable information you might have put there. You made a security system and requirements maybe even made a person to log-in to keep information a little safer. There is a lot from this point you could change or might already want to change, but from what you see in front of you at that moment it feels like a huge success.

There is a learning curve for Meteor since you must learn about other information other than Meteor itself depending on what helping resources you will use with Meteor, but the payout is significant and worth seeing till the end. Meteor was one of the languages I wanted to learn and with a chance like this I was not disappointed. It was an exhilarating experience and hope that I can gain more experience with this program more later.