“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” This is a quote from the man himself Walt Disney. The three keywords taken from this quote being “Keep Moving Forward”. These are the three words that you should keep aspiring to do more, moving towards inspiring others and forward to the future.
Keep aspiring to do more concurs with me taking my first Software engineering class. It is a new goal which allows me to learn more about this Computer Science career I have chosen. Learning valuable skills such as getting use to multiple languages and coding techniques. Which in turn also teaches all the basics for coding etiquette such as ‘coding standards’, software engineering ethics’, and more! These skills and more will help me become a better game developer for orderliness and correct etiquette. This is so my future coworkers and I will be able to work together harmoniously.
Moving towards inspiring others after this class will be a learning experience not just for me, but those who I work with later on. Software engineering is a key thing to learn throughout anyone computer science career. It will always be passed down to other generations and revised to be more concise or information filled. This is a foundation for which we all could learn from to inspire others after us and help others to their goals.
Forward to the future with software engineering helps provide more grounds for me and others to make their dreams a reality within the computer science field. Whether they are going for web development, game development, security, and more software engineering helps with all sorts of general rules to learn. This opens up new doors for more opportunities to be made and different ideas and dreams to come to fruition. To head to the future is to know the basics and master them to “Keep Moving Forward”.